Lake Therapy by OASE.

Out of respect for nature.
There are many types of standing water, and at least as many challenges or problems that can occur in it – from sludge and odour formation and oxygen deficiency to algae and bacteria propagation. In any case, it raises some questions to those in charge: Why is the problem occurring? How can I fix it? And how much does it all cost?
However, we're still asking ourselves another question that cannot be answered with a short-term solution: Which method will solve the problem with long-term effect while ensuring maximum protection of the ecosystem and its environment? Our innovative OASE water therapy solutions are the answer: They work with tiny micro-organisms instead of large machines. They naturally eliminate sludge and algae-forming influences and promote invigorating, water-stabilising features. And they are so compatible with flora and fauna that they are even used in protected areas. Incidentally, the fact that OASE water therapy is often less expensive and, most importantly, more gentle than conventional methods is entirely in keeping with our sustainability-oriented nature.