Natural body of water
Problem: Sludge formation, silting, blue algae growth

Project highlights
First official use of SchlixX Plus in Bavaria
Exceptionally successful with up to 75% of organic materials broken down
Ensured that the renowned Hof Regatta could take place on the Quellitzsee
The starting point
When plan B becomes the number-one solution
Located southeast of Hof in the Tauperlitz region of Bavaria, the Quellitzsee is a natural body of water measuring 6 hectares and a popular destination for swimmers and anglers. In the past, these leisure activities were occasionally hampered by strong blue algae blooms and in 2013, the authorities of the city of Döhlau discovered another problem: So much sludge had formed in the lake that immediate action was needed.
The successes
A sigh of relief all round
To record the effects of applying SchlixX Plus, the authorities arranged for the sludge height to be regularly measured by divers – in secret locations to rule out any tampering. The results brought to light by the divers could not have been clearer: By June, the sludge height had already decreased by 10 to 15 centimetres. And by July 2014, an incredible sludge reduction of 50–75% of the original amount was announced.